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Power for Today

Proof Positive

After his suffering, he showed himself alive to these men and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God (Acts 1:3, NIV)

PAUL SURELY had mixed emotions when he wrote to the Galatian churches. On one hand he held the tenderest feelings toward them; on the other he trembled at how near they stood to the precipice of deserting their freedom in Christ. In this peerless letter of Christian freedom, Paul makes an arresting allusion to apostolic preaching. He says that in the gospel preaching which they had heard, "Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed" before their very eyes (3:1). Other translations of this word are: "depicted," "placarded," "exposed," "graphically presented," and "openly displayed."
All of these words indicate that in true Gospel preaching careful attention was given to the Cross. It was presented acutely; it was presented convincingly; it was presented with due emotion; it was presented indelibly. The Cross was God's answer to the problem of human sin. It had to be the focal point of apostolic preaching! Only a message that does this is worthy of one's belief and devotion. To ignore this is to commit the utmost folly; to accept "Christ crucified" is life's greatest and most blessed opportunity!

Earthly vanities depart, O Lord, but You remain from everlasting to everlasting. In Your Cross we find life and rest, and joy and peace. Blessed are You forever! Amen.
- ROBERT W. LAWRENCE, York Nebraska

A Capella

Whispering Hope

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