Power for Today
Now when the centurion and those with him, who were guarding Jesus, saw the earthquake and the things that had happened, they feared greatly, saying, 'Truly this was the Son of God' (Matthew 27:54, NKJV)
IMAGINE being part of the crowd the day Jesus was crucified. You are with Him as He stands before Pilate and now you have followed Him up to Golgotha where the angry mob wants Jesus nailed to a cross. The shouts and jeers of the worked up crowd quiet as they reach the cross. As you watch on in eager anticipation, unexplainable things began to happen.
As Jesus is nailed to the cross, the crowd talks amongst themselves. Suddenly the skies go dark. A pitch-black, ominous dark. For three hours there is total darkness on the earth as the sun literally stops shining. In the ninth hour, as light begins to return, Jesus cries out to God and dies. At that very moment, an earthquake shakes the land. Rocks are split and graves are opened wide. Many followers of God who were dead are not alive and walking.
What a sight that must have been! What would you have done when these things began happening? Would you have believed that He was the Messiah? The Savior of the crucifixion is the same Savior we have now. He is our way to Heaven. Thank God for His wonderful plan of redemption!
Precious Father, may we never forget the wonderful love You showed when You sacrificed Your only son so that we may be with You in Heaven. Thank You. In Jesus' name. Amen.
- BECKY KEARNS, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio